Sensitivity of selected habitats
Search the MarESA database for the sensitivities of specified habitats (biotopes). Use this tool to compare the sensitivity of one or more habitats (biotopes).
Please select one or more habitats from the list provided. Alternatively type keywords (e.g. species name, habitat name). Click the box to add further habitats. Then chose the level(s) of 'sensitivity' of interest and run the report. Select or deselect habitats (biotopes) and sensitivities as required and re-run the report. Note the results of the report can be exported in different formats on request . Mobile users should note this tool works best in landscape.
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A5.252TMP / SS.SSa.CFiSa.SiphNephVen - Siphonoecetes, Nephtyidae polychaetes and venerid bivalves in circalittoral sand
A5.262TMP / SS.SSa.CMuSa.Ooph - Ophiura ophiura on circalittoral muddy sand
A5.363TMP / SS.SMu.CFiMu.AtrEch - Atrina fragilis and echinoderms on circalittoral mud
A5.377TMP / SS.SMu.OMu.CalPol - Calocaris macandreae and polychaetes in offshore circalittoral mud and sandy mud
A5.435TMP / SS.SMx.IMx.MedCirr - Mediomastus fragilis and cirratulids in infralittoral mixed sediment
A5.71 / A5.71 - Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments
A5.712 / A5.712 - Bubbling reefs in the aphotic zone
MA1211 / LR.FLR.Lic.YG - Yellow and grey lichens on supralittoral rock
MA1212 / LR.FLR.Lic.Pra - Prasiola stipitata on nitrate-enriched supralittoral or littoral fringe rock
MA1213 / LR.FLR.Lic.Ver - Verrucaria maura on littoral fringe rock
MA12131 / LR.FLR.Lic.Ver.B - Verrucaria maura and sparse barnacles on exposed littoral fringe rock
MA12132 / LR.FLR.Lic.Ver.Ver - Verrucaria maura on very exposed to very sheltered upper littoral fringe rock
MA1214 / LR.FLR.Lic.Bli - Blidingia spp. on vertical littoral fringe soft rock
MA1215 / LR.FLR.Lic.UloUro - Ulothrix flacca and Urospora spp. on freshwater-influenced vertical littoral fringe soft rock
MA1221 / LR.HLR.MusB.MytB - Mytilus edulis and barnacles on very exposed eulittoral rock
MA1222 / LR.HLR.MusB.Cht - Chthamalus spp. on exposed eulittoral rock
MA12221 / LR.HLR.MusB.Cht.Cht - Chthamalus spp. on exposed upper eulittoral rock
MA12222 / LR.HLR.MusB.Cht.Lpyg - Chthamalus spp. and Lichina pygmaea on steep exposed upper eulittoral rock
MA1223 / LR.HLR.MusB.Sem - Semibalanus balanoides on exposed to moderately exposed or vertical sheltered eulittoral rock
MA12231 / LR.HLR.MusB.Sem.Sem - Semibalanus balanoides, Patella vulgata and Littorina spp. on exposed to moderately exposed or vertical sheltered eulittoral rock
MA12232 / LR.HLR.MusB.Sem.FvesR - Semibalanus balanoides, Fucus vesiculosus and red seaweeds on exposed to moderately exposed eulittoral rock
MA12233 / LR.HLR.MusB.Sem.LitX - Semibalanus balanoides and Littorina spp. on exposed to moderately exposed eulittoral boulders and cobbles
MA1231 / LR.HLR.FR.Fdis - Fucus distichus and Fucus spiralis f. nana on extremely exposed upper shore rock
MA1232 / LR.HLR.FR.Coff - Corallina officinalis on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA12321 / LR.HLR.FR.Coff.Coff - Corallina officinalis and Mastocarpus stellatus on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA12322 / LR.HLR.FR.Coff.Puly - Corallina officinalis, Himanthalia elongata and Patella ulyssiponensis on very exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA1233 / LR.HLR.FR.Him - Himanthalia elongata and red seaweeds on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA1234 / LR.HLR.FR.Pal - Palmaria palmata on very exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA1235 / LR.HLR.FR.Mas - Mastocarpus stellatus and Chondrus crispus on very exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA1236 / LR.HLR.FR.Osm - Osmundea pinnatifida on moderately exposed mid eulittoral rock
MA1237 / LR.HLR.FR.RPid - Ceramium sp. and piddocks on eulittoral fossilised peat
MA1238 / LR.HLR.FT.AscT - Ascophyllum nodosum, sponges and ascidians on tide-swept mid eulittoral rock
MA1239 / LR.HLR.FT.FserT - Fucus serratus, sponges and ascidians on tide-swept lower eulittoral rock
MA123A / LR.HLR.FT.FserTX - Fucus serratus with sponges, ascidians and red seaweeds on tide-swept lower eulittoral mixed substrata
MA123B / LR.LLR.F.Pel - Pelvetia canaliculata on sheltered littoral fringe rock
MA123C / LR.LLR.F.Fspi - Fucus spiralis on sheltered upper eulittoral rock
MA123C1 / LR.LLR.F.Fspi.FS - Fucus spiralis on full salinity sheltered upper eulittoral rock
MA123C2 / LR.LLR.F.Fspi.X - Fucus spiralis on full salinity upper eulittoral mixed substrata
MA123D / LR.LLR.F.Fves - Fucus vesiculosus on moderately exposed to sheltered mid eulittoral rock
MA123D1 / LR.LLR.F.Fves.FS - Fucus vesiculosus on full salinity moderately exposed to sheltered mid eulittoral rock
MA123D2 / LR.LLR.F.Fves.X - Fucus vesiculosus on mid eulittoral mixed substrata
MA123E / LR.LLR.F.Asc - Ascophyllum nodosum on very sheltered mid eulittoral rock
MA123E1 / LR.LLR.F.Asc.FS - Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral rock
MA123E2 / LR.LLR.F.Asc.X - Ascophyllum nodosum on full salinity mid eulittoral mixed substrata
MA123F / LR.LLR.F.Fserr - Fucus serratus on sheltered lower eulittoral rock
MA123F1 / LR.LLR.F.Fserr.FS - Fucus serratus on full salinity sheltered lower eulittoral rock
MA123F2 / LR.LLR.F.Fserr.X - Fucus serratus on full salinity lower eulittoral mixed substrata
MA123G / LR.FLR.Eph.Ulv - Ulva spp. on freshwater-influenced and/or unstable upper eulittoral rock
MA123H / LR.FLR.Eph.UlvPor - Porphyra purpurea and Ulva spp. on sand-scoured mid or lower eulittoral rock
MA124 / LR.MLR.BF - Barnacles and fucoids on moderately exposed shores
MA1241 / LR.MLR.BF.PelB - Pelvetia canaliculata and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral fringe rock
MA1242 / LR.MLR.BF.FspiB - Fucus spiralis on exposed to moderately exposed upper eulittoral rock
MA1243 / LR.MLR.BF.FvesB - Fucus vesiculosus and barnacle mosaics on moderately exposed mid eulittoral rock
MA1244 / LR.MLR.BF.Fser - Fucus serratus on moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA12441 / LR.MLR.BF.Fser.R - Fucus serratus and red seaweeds on moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA12442 / LR.MLR.BF.Fser.Bo - Fucus serratus and under-boulder fauna on exposed to moderately exposed lower eulittoral boulders
MA12443 / LR.MLR.BF.Fser.Pid - Fucus serratus and piddocks on lower eulittoral soft rock
MA1245 / LR.MLR.BF.Rho - Rhodothamniella floridula on sand-scoured lower eulittoral rock
MA1246 / LR.MLR.MusF.MytFves - Mytilus edulis and Fucus vesiculosus on moderately exposed mid eulittoral rock
MA1247 / LR.MLR.MusF.MytFR - Mytilus edulis, Fucus serratus and red seaweeds on moderately exposed lower eulittoral rock
MA1248 / LR.MLR.MusF.MytPid - Mytilus edulis and piddocks on eulittoral firm clay
MA1251 / LR.LLR.FVS.PelVS - Pelvetia canaliculata on sheltered variable salinity littoral fringe rock
MA1252 / LR.LLR.FVS.FspiVS - Fucus spiralis on sheltered variable salinity upper eulittoral rock
MA1253 / LR.LLR.FVS.FvesVS - Fucus vesiculosus on variable salinity mid eulittoral boulders and stable mixed substrata
MA1254 / LR.LLR.FVS.AscVS - Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus on variable salinity mid eulittoral rock
MA1255 / LR.LLR.FVS.Ascmac - Ascophyllum nodosum ecad mackaii beds on extremely sheltered mid eulittoral mixed substrata
MA1256 / LR.LLR.FVS.FserVS - Fucus serratus and large Mytilus edulis on variable salinity lower eulittoral rock
MA1257 / LR.LLR.FVS.Fcer - Fucus ceranoides on reduced salinity eulittoral rock
MA1261 / LR.FLR.Rkp.G - Green seaweeds (Ulva spp. and Cladophora spp.) in shallow upper shore rockpools
MA1262 / LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor - Coralline crust-dominated shallow eulittoral rockpools
MA12621 / LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Cor - Coralline crusts and Corallina officinalis in shallow eulittoral rockpools
MA12622 / LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Par - Coralline crusts and Paracentrotus lividus in shallow eulittoral rockpools
MA12623 / LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Bif - Bifurcaria bifurcata in shallow eulittoral rockpools
MA12624 / LR.FLR.Rkp.Cor.Cys - Cystoseira spp. in eulittoral rockpools
MA1263 / LR.FLR.Rkp.FK - Fucoids and kelp in deep eulittoral rockpools
MA12631 / LR.FLR.Rkp.FK.Sar - Sargassum muticum in eulittoral rockpools
MA1264 / LR.FLR.Rkp.SwSed - Seaweeds in sediment-floored eulittoral rockpools
MA1265 / LR.FLR.Rkp.H - Hydroids, ephemeral seaweeds and Littorina littorea in shallow eulittoral mixed substrata pools
MA1271 / LR.FLR.CvOv.ChrHap - Chrysophyceae and Haptophyceae on vertical upper littoral fringe soft rock
MA1272 / LR.FLR.CvOv.GCv - Green algal films on upper and mid-shore cave walls and ceilings
MA1273 / LR.FLR.CvOv.RpurPlac - Rhodochorton purpureum and Pleurocladia lacustris crusts on upper and mid-shore cave walls and ceilings
MA1274 / LR.FLR.CvOv.RpurCla - Rhodochorton purpureum and Cladophora rupestris on upper to mid-shore cave walls
MA1275 / LR.FLR.CvOv.VmucHil - Verrucaria mucosa and/or Hildenbrandia rubra on upper to mid shore cave walls
MA1276 / LR.FLR.CvOv.SpR - Sponges and shade-tolerant red seaweeds on overhanging lower eulittoral bedrock and in cave entrances
MA12761 / LR.FLR.CvOv.SpR.Den - Sponges, shade-tolerant red seaweeds and Dendrodoa grossularia on wave-surged overhanging lower eulittoral bedrock and caves
MA1277 / LR.FLR.CvOv.SpByAs - Sponges, bryozoans and ascidians on deeply overhanging lower shore bedrock or caves
MA1278 / LR.FLR.CvOv.FaCr - Faunal crusts on wave-surged littoral cave walls
MA1279 / LR.FLR.CvOv.ScrFa - Sparse fauna (barnacles and spirorbids) on sand/pebble-scoured rock in littoral caves
MA127A / LR.FLR.CvOv.BarCv - Barren and/or boulder-scoured littoral cave walls and floors
MA2261 / LS.LBR.Sab.Salv - Sabellaria alveolata reefs on sand-abraded eulittoral rock
MA227 / LS.LBR.LMus - Littoral mussel beds on sediment
MA2271 / LS.LBR.LMus.Myt - Mytilus edulis beds on littoral sediments
MA22711 / LS.LBR.LMus.Myt.Mx - Mytilus edulis beds on littoral mixed substrata
MA22712 / LS.LBR.LMus.Myt.Sa - Mytilus edulis beds on littoral sand
MA22713 / LS.LBR.LMus.Myt.Mu - Mytilus edulis beds on littoral mud
MA3211 / LS.LCS.Sh.BarSh - Barren littoral shingle
MA3212 / LS.LCS.Sh.Ech - Echinogammarus incertae sedis planicrurus in mid shore well-sorted gravel or coarse sand
MA4211 / LR.FLR.Eph.EphX - Ephemeral green and red seaweeds on variable salinity and/or disturbed eulittoral mixed substrata
MA423 / LS.LMx.GvMu - Hediste-dominated gravelly sandy mud shores
MA4231 / LR.FLR.Eph.BLitX - Barnacles and Littorina spp. on unstable eulittoral mixed substrata
MA4232 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx - Hediste diversicolor in littoral gravelly muddy sand and gravelly sandy mud
MA42321 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx.Mac - Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in littoral gravelly mud
MA42322 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx.Scr - Hediste diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana in littoral gravelly mud
MA42323 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx.Str - Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii in littoral gravelly sandy mud
MA42324 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx.Cir - Hediste diversicolor, cirratulids and Tubificoides spp. in littoral gravelly sandy mud
MA42325 / LS.LMx.GvMu.HedMx.Cvol - Hediste diversicolor and Corophium volutator in littoral gravelly sandy mud
MA4233 / LS.LMx.Mx.CirCer - Cirratulids and Cerastoderma edule in littoral mixed sediment
MA5211 / LS.LSa.St.Tal - Talitrids on the upper shore and strand-line
MA5222 / LS.LMp.LSgr.Znol - Zostera noltei beds in littoral muddy sand
MA523 / LS.LSa.MoSa - Barren or amphipod-dominated mobile sand shores
MA5231 / LS.LSa.MoSa.BarSa - Barren littoral coarse sand
MA5232 / LS.LSa.MoSa.Ol - Oligochaetes in littoral mobile sand
MA52321 / LS.LSa.MoSa.Ol.FS - Oligochaetes in full salinity littoral mobile sand
MA52322 / LS.LSa.MoSa.Ol.VS - Oligochaetes in variable salinity littoral mobile sand
MA5233 / LS.LSa.MoSa.AmSco - Amphipods and Scolelepis spp. in littoral medium-fine sand
MA52331 / LS.LSa.MoSa.AmSco.Sco - Scolelepis spp. in littoral mobile sand
MA52332 / LS.LSa.MoSa.AmSco.Eur - Eurydice pulchra in littoral mobile sand
MA52333 / LS.LSa.MoSa.AmSco.Pon - Pontocrates arenarius in littoral mobile sand
MA524 / LS.LSa.FiSa - Polychaete/amphipod-dominated fine sand shores
MA5241 / LS.LSa.FiSa.Po - Polychaetes in littoral fine sand
MA52411 / LS.LSa.FiSa.Po.Pful - Polychaetes, including Paraonis fulgens, in littoral fine sand
MA52412 / LS.LSa.FiSa.Po.Mten - Polychaetes and Macomangulus tenuis in littoral fine sand
MA52413 / LS.LSa.FiSa.Po.Ncir - Nephtys cirrosa-dominated littoral fine sand
MA5251 / LS.LSa.MuSa.MacAre - Macoma balthica and Arenicola marina in littoral muddy sand
MA5252 / LS.LSa.MuSa.CerPo - Cerastoderma edule and polychaetes in littoral muddy sand
MA5253 / LS.LSa.MuSa.HedMacEte - Hediste diversicolor, Macoma balthica and Eteone longa in littoral muddy sand
MA5254 / LS.LSa.MuSa.BatCare - Bathyporeia pilosa and Corophium arenarium in littoral muddy sand
MA5255 / LS.LSa.MuSa.Lan - Lanice conchilega in littoral sand
MA6223 / LS.LMu.MEst.NhomMacStr - Nephtys hombergii, Macoma balthica and Streblospio shrubsolii in littoral sandy mud
MA6224 / LS.LMu.MEst.HedMac - Hediste diversicolor and Macoma balthica in littoral sandy mud
MA6225 / LS.LMu.MEst.HedMacScr - Hediste diversicolor, Macoma balthica and Scrobicularia plana in littoral sandy mud
MA6226 / LS.LMu.UEst.NhomStr - Nephtys hombergii and Streblospio shrubsolii in littoral mud
MA6227 / LS.LMu.UEst.Hed - Hediste diversicolor in littoral mud
MA62271 / LS.LMu.UEst.Hed.Str - Hediste diversicolor and Streblospio shrubsolii in littoral sandy mud
MA62272 / LS.LMu.UEst.Hed.Cvol - Hediste diversicolor and Corophium volutator in littoral mud
MA62273 / LS.LMu.UEst.Hed.Ol - Hediste diversicolor and oligochaetes in littoral mud
MA6228 / LS.LMu.UEst.Tben - Tubificoides benedii and other oligochaetes in littoral mud
MB1211 / IR.HIR.KFaR.Ala - Alaria esculenta on exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock
MB12111 / IR.HIR.KFaR.Ala.Myt - Alaria esculenta, Mytilus edulis and coralline crusts on very exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock
MB12112 / IR.HIR.KFaR.Ala.Ldig - Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata on exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock
MB1212 / IR.HIR.KFaR.AlaAnCrSp - Alaria esculenta forest with dense anemones and crustose sponges on extremely exposed infralittoral bedrock
MB1213 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypFa - Laminaria hyperborea forest with a faunal cushion (sponges and polyclinids) and foliose red seaweeds on very exposed upper infralittoral rock
MB1215 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypR - Laminaria hyperborea with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed infralittoral rock
MB12151 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypR.Ft - Laminaria hyperborea forest with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed upper infralittoral rock
MB12152 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypR.Pk - Laminaria hyperborea park with dense foliose red seaweeds on exposed lower infralittoral rock
MB12153 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypR.Loch - Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Laminaria ochroleuca forest on exposed infralittoral rock
MB1216 / IR.HIR.KFaR.LhypRVt - Laminaria hyperborea and red seaweeds on exposed vertical rock
MB1217 / IR.MIR.KR.Ldig - Laminaria digitata on moderately exposed sublittoral fringe rock
MB12171 / IR.MIR.KR.Ldig.Ldig - Laminaria digitata on moderately exposed sublittoral fringe bedrock
MB12172 / IR.MIR.KR.Ldig.Bo - Laminaria digitata and under-boulder fauna on sublittoral fringe boulders
MB12173 / IR.MIR.KR.Ldig.Pid - Laminaria digitata and piddocks on sublittoral fringe soft rock
MB1218 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypT - Laminaria hyperborea on tide-swept, infralittoral rock
MB12181 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypT.Ft - Laminaria hyperborea forest, foliose red seaweeds and a diverse fauna on tide-swept upper infralittoral rock
MB12182 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypT.Pk - Laminaria hyperborea park with hydroids, bryozoans and sponges on tide-swept lower infralittoral rock
MB1219 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypTX - Laminaria hyperborea on tide-swept infralittoral mixed substrata
MB12191 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypTX.Ft - Laminaria hyperborea forest and foliose red seaweeds on tide-swept upper infralittoral mixed substrata
MB12192 / IR.MIR.KR.LhypTX.Pk - Laminaria hyperborea park and foliose red seaweeds on tide-swept lower infralittoral mixed substrata
MB121A / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp - Laminaria hyperborea and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock
MB121A1 / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp.Ft - Laminaria hyperborea forest and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed upper infralittoral rock
MB121A2 / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp.Pk - Laminaria hyperborea park and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed lower infralittoral rock
MB121A3 / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp.GzFt - Grazed Laminaria hyperborea forest with coralline crusts on upper infralittoral rock
MB121A4 / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp.GzPk - Grazed Laminaria hyperborea park with coralline crusts on lower infralittoral rock
MB121A5 / IR.MIR.KR.Lhyp.Sab - Sabellaria spinulosa with kelp and red seaweeds on sand-influenced infralittoral rock
MB121B / IR.MIR.KR.XFoR - Dense foliose red seaweeds on silty moderately exposed infralittoral rock
MB121C / IR.MIR.KR.LhypVt - Laminaria hyperborea on moderately exposed vertical rock.
MB121D / IR.MIR.KR.HiaSw - Hiatella arctica and seaweeds on vertical limestone / chalk.
MB121E / IR.MIR.KT.LdigT - Laminaria digitata, ascidians and bryozoans on tide-swept sublittoral fringe rock
MB121F / IR.MIR.KT.XKT - Mixed kelp with foliose red seaweeds, sponges and ascidians on sheltered tide-swept infralittoral rock
MB121G / IR.MIR.KT.XKTX - Mixed kelp and red seaweeds on infralittoral boulders, cobbles and gravel in tidal rapids
MB121H / IR.MIR.KT.SlatT - Saccharina latissima with foliose red seaweeds and ascidians on sheltered tide-swept infralittoral rock
MB121J / IR.MIR.KT.FilRVS - Filamentous red seaweeds, sponges and Balanus crenatus on tide-swept variable-salinity infralittoral rock
MB1221 / IR.HIR.KFaR.FoR - Foliose red seaweeds on exposed lower infralittoral rock
MB12211 / IR.HIR.KFaR.FoR.Dic - Foliose red seaweeds with dense Dictyota dichotoma and/or Dictyopteris polypodioides on exposed lower infralittoral rock
MB1231 / IR.HIR.KSed.Sac - Saccorhiza polyschides and other opportunistic kelps on disturbed sublittoral fringe rock
MB1232 / IR.HIR.KSed.SlatSac - Saccharina latissima and/or Saccorhiza polyschides on exposed infralittoral rock
MB1233 / IR.HIR.KSed.SlatChoR - Saccharina latissima, Chorda filum and dense red seaweeds on shallow unstable infralittoral boulders or cobbles
MB1234 / IR.HIR.KSed.DesFilR - Dense Desmarestia spp. with filamentous red seaweeds on exposed infralittoral cobbles, pebbles and bedrock
MB1235 / IR.HIR.KSed.XKScrR - Mixed kelps with scour-tolerant and opportunistic foliose red seaweeds on scoured or sand-covered infralittoral rock
MB1236 / IR.HIR.KSed.XKHal - Halidrys siliquosa and mixed kelps on tide-swept infralittoral rock with coarse sediment
MB1237 / IR.HIR.KSed.ProtAhn - Polyides rotunda, Ahnfeltia plicata and Chondrus crispus on sand-covered infralittoral rock
MB1238 / IR.LIR.K.LhypLoch - Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Laminaria ochroleuca forest on moderately exposed or sheltered infralittoral rock
MB1239 / IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat - Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima on sheltered infralittoral rock
MB12391 / IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat.Ft - Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima forest on sheltered upper infralittoral rock
MB12392 / IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat.Pk - Mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima park on sheltered lower infralittoral rock
MB12393 / IR.LIR.K.LhypSlat.Gz - Grazed, mixed Laminaria hyperborea and Saccharina latissima on sheltered infralittoral rock
MB123A / IR.LIR.K.Slat - Saccharina latissima on very sheltered infralittoral rock
MB123A1 / IR.LIR.K.Slat.Ldig - Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata on sheltered sublittoral fringe rock
MB123A2 / IR.LIR.K.Slat.Ft - Saccharina latissima forest on very sheltered upper infralittoral rock
MB123A3 / IR.LIR.K.Slat.Pk - Saccharina latissima park on very sheltered lower infralittoral rock
MB123A4 / IR.LIR.K.Slat.Gz - Grazed Saccharina latissima with Echinus, brittlestars and coralline crusts on sheltered infralittoral rock
MB123B / IR.LIR.K.LhypCape - Silted cape-form Laminaria hyperborea on very sheltered infralittoral rock
MB123C / IR.LIR.K.Sar - Sargassum muticum on shallow slightly tide-swept infralittoral mixed substrata
MB1241 / IR.LIR.KVS.Cod - Codium spp. with red seaweeds and sparse Saccharina latissima on shallow, heavily-silted, very sheltered infralittoral rock
MB1242 / IR.LIR.KVS.SlatPsaVS - Saccharina latissima and Psammechinus miliaris on variable salinity grazed infralittoral rock
MB1243 / IR.LIR.KVS.SlatPhyVS - Saccharina latissima with Phyllophora spp. and filamentous green seaweeds on variable or reduced salinity infralittoral rock
MB1251 / IR.LIR.Lag.FChoG - Mixed fucoids, Chorda filum and green seaweeds on reduced salinity infralittoral rock
MB1252 / IR.LIR.Lag.AscSpAs - Ascophyllum nodosum with epiphytic sponges and ascidians on variable salinity infralittoral rock
MB1253 / IR.LIR.Lag.ProtFur - Polyides rotunda and/or Furcellaria lumbricalis on reduced salinity infralittoral rock
MB1254 / IR.LIR.Lag.FcerUlv - Fucus ceranoides and Ulva spp. on low salinity infralittoral rock
MB1261 / IR.LIR.IFaVS.MytRS - Mytilus edulis beds on reduced salinity infralittoral rock
MB1262 / IR.LIR.IFaVS.CcasEin - Cordylophora caspia and Einhornia crustulenta on reduced salinity infralittoral rock
MB1263 / IR.LIR.IFaVS.HarCon - Hartlaubella gelatinosa and Conopeum reticulum on low salinity infralittoral mixed substrata
MB1271 / IR.FIR.SG.FoSwCC - Foliose seaweeds and coralline crusts in surge gully entrances
MB1272 / IR.FIR.SG.CrSpAsAn - Anemones, including Corynactis viridis, crustose sponges and colonial ascidians on very exposed or wave surged vertical infralittoral rock
MB1273 / IR.FIR.SG.CrSpAsDenB - Crustose sponges and colonial ascidians with Dendrodoa grossularia or barnacles on wave-surged infralittoral rock
MB1274 / IR.FIR.SG.DenCcor - Dendrodoa grossularia and Clathrina coriacea on wave-surged vertical infralittoral rock
MB1275 / IR.FIR.SG.CrSp - Crustose sponges on extremely wave-surged infralittoral cave or gully walls
MB1276 / IR.FIR.SG.CC - Coralline crusts in surge gullies and scoured infralittoral rock
MB12761 / IR.FIR.SG.CC.BalSpi - Balanus crenatus and/or Spirobranchus triqueter with spirorbid worms and coralline crusts on severely-scoured vertical infralittoral rock
MB12762 / IR.FIR.SG.CC.Mo - Coralline crusts and crustaceans on mobile boulders or cobbles in surge gullies
MB221 / SS.SBR.PoR - Polychaete worm reefs (on sublittoral sediment)
MB2211 / SS.SBR.PoR.SalvMx - Sabellaria alveolata on variable salinity sublittoral mixed sediment
MB2212 / SS.SBR.PoR.Ser - Serpula vermicularis reefs on very sheltered circalittoral muddy sand
MB2221 / SS.SMx.IMx.Lim - Limaria hians beds in tide-swept sublittoral muddy mixed sediment
MB2222 / SS.SMx.IMx.Ost - Ostrea edulis beds on shallow sublittoral muddy mixed sediment
MB3211 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatR - Saccharina latissima and red seaweeds on infralittoral sediments
MB32111 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatR.CbPb - Red seaweeds and kelps on tide-swept mobile infralittoral cobbles and pebbles
MB32112 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatR.Gv - Saccharina latissima and robust red algae on infralittoral gravel and pebbles
MB3212 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatMxVS - Saccharina latissima with Psammechinus miliaris and/or Modiolus modiolus on variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment
MB3213 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatGraFS - Saccharina latissima, Gracilaria gracilis and brown seaweeds on full salinity infralittoral sediment
MB3214 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatGraVS - Saccharina latissima and Gracilaria gracilis with sponges and ascidians on variable salinity infralittoral sediment
MB322 / SS.SMp.Mrl - Maerl beds
MB3221 / SS.SMp.Mrl.Pcal - Phymatolithon calcareum maerl beds in infralittoral clean gravel or coarse sand
MB32211 / SS.SMp.Mrl.Pcal.R - Phymatolithon calcareum maerl beds with red seaweeds in shallow infralittoral clean gravel or coarse sand
MB32212 / SS.SMp.Mrl.Pcal.Nmix - Phymatolithon calcareum maerl beds with Neopentadactyla mixta and other echinoderms in deeper infralittoral clean gravel or coarse sand
MB3222 / SS.SMp.Mrl.Lgla - Lithothamnion glaciale maerl beds in tide-swept variable salinity infralittoral gravel
MB3231 / SS.SCS.ICS.SSh - Sparse fauna on highly mobile sublittoral shingle (cobbles and pebbles)
MB3232 / SS.SCS.ICS.HchrEdw - Halcampa chrysanthellum and Edwardsia timida on sublittoral clean stone gravel
MB3233 / SS.SCS.ICS.MoeVen - Moerella spp. with venerid bivalves in infralittoral gravelly sand
MB3234 / SS.SCS.ICS.HeloMsim - Hesionura elongata and Microphthalmus similis with other interstitial polychaetes in infralittoral mobile coarse sand
MB3235 / SS.SCS.ICS.Glap - Glycera lapidum in impoverished infralittoral mobile gravel and sand
MB3236 / SS.SCS.ICS.CumCset - Cumaceans and Chaetozone setosa in infralittoral gravelly sand
MB3237 / SS.SCS.ICS.SLan - Dense Lanice conchilega and other polychaetes in tide-swept infralittoral sand and mixed gravelly sand
MB3238 / SS.SCS.SCSVS - Sublittoral coarse sediment in variable salinity (estuaries)
MB42 / SS.SMx.SMxLS - Sublittoral mixed sediment in low or reduced salinity (lagoons)
MB4211 / SS.SMp.Mrl.Lcor - Lithothamnion corallioides maerl beds on infralittoral muddy gravel
MB422 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.LsacR.Mu - Laminaria saccharina with red and brown seaweeds on lower infralittoral muddy mixed sediment
MB4221 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.FilG - Filamentous green seaweeds on low salinity infralittoral mixed sediment or rock
MB4231 / SS.SMx.IMx.CreAsAn - Crepidula fornicata with ascidians and anemones on infralittoral coarse mixed sediment
MB4232 / SS.SMx.IMx.SpavSpAn - Sabella pavonina with sponges and anemones on infralittoral mixed sediment
MB4233 / SS.SMx.IMx.VcorAsquAps - Venerupis corrugata, Amphipholis squamata and Apseudes latreilli in infralittoral mixed sediment
MB4241 / SS.SMx.SMxVS.AphPol - Aphelochaeta spp. and Polydora spp. in variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment
MB4242 / SS.SMx.SMxVS.CreMed - Crepidula fornicata and Mediomastus fragilis in variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment
MB52 / SS.SSa.SSaLS - Sublittoral sand in low or reduced salinity (lagoons)
MB5211 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatR.Sa - Saccharina latissima and filamentous red algae on infralittoral sand
MB5223 / SS.SMp.SSgr.Zmar - Zostera marina/angustifolia beds on lower shore or infralittoral clean or muddy sand
MB5224 / SS.SMp.SSgr.Rup - Ruppia maritima in reduced salinity infralittoral muddy sand
MB5231 / SS.SSa.IFiSa.IMoSa - Infralittoral mobile clean sand with sparse fauna
MB5232 / SS.SSa.IFiSa.ScupHyd - Sertularia cupressina and Hydrallmania falcata on tide-swept sublittoral sand with cobbles or pebbles.
MB5233 / SS.SSa.IFiSa.NcirBat - Nephtys cirrosa and Bathyporeia spp. in infralittoral sand
MB5234 / SS.SSa.IFiSa.TbAmPo - Semi-permanent tube-building amphipods and polychaetes in sublittoral sand
MB5235 / SS.SSa.IMuSa.EcorEns - Echinocardium cordatum and Ensis spp. in lower shore and shallow sublittoral slightly muddy fine sand
MB5236 / SS.SSa.IMuSa.FfabMag - Fabulina fabula and Magelona mirabilis with venerid bivalves and amphipods in infralittoral compacted fine muddy sand
MB5237 / SS.SSa.IMuSa.AreISa - Arenicola marina in infralittoral fine sand or muddy sand
MB5238 / SS.SSa.IMuSa.SsubNhom - Spisula subtruncata and Nephtys hombergii in shallow muddy sand
MB524 / SS.SSa.SSaVS - Sublittoral sand in variable salinity (estuaries)
MB5241 / SS.SSa.SSaVS.MoSaVS - Infralittoral mobile sand in variable salinity (estuaries)
MB5242 / SS.SSa.SSaVS.NcirAm - Nephtys cirrosa and amphipods in variable salinity infralittoral mobile sand
MB5243 / SS.SSa.SSaVS.NintGam - Neomysis integer and Gammarus spp. in fluctuating low salinity infralittoral mobile sand
MB6211 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatCho - Saccharina latissima and Chorda filum on sheltered upper infralittoral muddy sediment
MB6212 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.Tra - Mats of Trailliella on infralittoral muddy gravel
MB6213 / SS.SMp.KSwSS.Pcri - Loose-lying mats of Phyllophora crispa on infralittoral muddy sediment
MB6241 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.NhomMac - Nephtys hombergii and Macoma balthica in infralittoral sandy mud
MB6242 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.CundAasp - Cylista undata and Ascidiella aspersa on infralittoral sandy mud
MB6243 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.KurAbr - Kurtiella bidentata and Abra spp. in infralittoral sandy mud
MB6244 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.MelMagThy - Melinna palmata with Magelona spp. and Thyasira spp. in infralittoral sandy mud
MB6245 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.AmpPlon - Ampelisca spp., Photis longicaudata and other tube-building amphipods and polychaetes in infralittoral sandy mud
MB6246 / SS.SMu.ISaMu.Cap - Capitella capitata in enriched sublittoral muddy sediments
MB6247 / SS.SMu.IFiMu.CerAnit - Cerastoderma edule with Abra nitida in infralittoral mud
MB6248 / SS.SMu.IFiMu.Are - Arenicola marina in infralittoral mud
MB6249 / SS.SMu.IFiMu.PhiVir - Philine aperta and Virgularia mirabilis in soft stable infralittoral mud
MB624A / SS.SMu.IFiMu.Ocn - Ocnus planci aggregations on sheltered sublittoral muddy sediment
MB624C / SS.SMu.IFiMu.Beg - Beggiatoa spp. on anoxic sublittoral mud
MB6251 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.PolCvol - Polydora ciliata and Corophium volutator in variable salinity infralittoral firm mud or clay
MB6252 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.AphTubi - Aphelochaeta marioni and Tubificoides spp. in variable salinity infralittoral mud
MB6253 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.NhomTubi - Nephtys hombergii and Tubificoides spp. in variable salinity infralittoral soft mud
MB6254 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.MoMu - Infralittoral fluid mobile mud
MB6255 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.CapTubi - Capitella capitata and Tubificoides spp. in reduced salinity infralittoral muddy sediment
MB6256 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.OlVS - Oligochaetes in variable or reduced salinity infralittoral muddy sediment
MB6257 / SS.SMu.SMuVS.LhofTtub - Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tubifex tubifex and Gammarus spp. in low salinity infralittoral muddy sediment
MB626 / SS.SMu.SMuLS - Sublittoral mud in low or reduced salinity (lagoons)
MC1211 / CR.HCR.FaT.BalTub - Balanus crenatus and Tubularia indivisa on extremely tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC1212 / CR.HCR.FaT.CTub - Tubularia indivisa on tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC12121 / CR.HCR.FaT.CTub.CuSp - Tubularia indivisa and cushion sponges on tide-swept turbid circalittoral bedrock
MC12122 / CR.HCR.FaT.CTub.Adig - Alcyonium digitatum with dense Tubularia indivisa and anemones on strongly tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC1213 / CR.HCR.XFa.ByErSp - Bryozoan turf and erect sponges on tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC12131 / CR.HCR.XFa.ByErSp.Eun - Eunicella verrucosa and Pentapora foliacea on wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12132 / CR.HCR.XFa.ByErSp.DysAct - Mixed turf of bryozoans and erect sponges with Dysidea fragilis and Actinothoe sphyrodeta on tide-swept wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12133 / CR.HCR.XFa.ByErSp.Cyl - Mixed turf of bryozoans and erect sponges with Cylista elegans on tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC1214 / CR.HCR.XFa.CvirCri - Corynactis viridis and a mixed turf of crisiids, Bugula, Scrupocellaria, and Cellaria on moderately tide-swept exposed circalittoral rock
MC1215 / CR.HCR.XFa.SwiLgAs - Mixed turf of hydroids and large ascidians with Swiftia pallida and Caryophyllia smithii on weakly tide-swept circalittoral rock
MC1216 / CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs - Flustra foliacea and colonial ascidians on tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12161 / CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.Paur - Polyclinum aurantium and Flustra foliacea on sand-scoured tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12162 / CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.SmAs - Flustra foliacea, small solitary and colonial ascidians on tide-swept circalittoral bedrock or boulders
MC12163 / CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.X - Flustra foliacea and colonial ascidians on tide-swept exposed circalittoral mixed substrata
MC1217 / CR.HCR.XFa.SpNemAdia - Sparse sponges, Nemertesia spp. and Alcyonidium diaphanum on circalittoral mixed substrata
MC1218 / CR.HCR.XFa.SubCriTf - Suberites spp. with a mixed turf of crisiids and Bugula spp. on heavily silted moderately wave-exposed shallow circalittoral rock
MC1219 / CR.HCR.XFa.FluHocu - Flustra foliacea and Haliclona oculata with a rich faunal turf on tide-swept circalittoral mixed substrata
MC121A / CR.HCR.XFa.Mol - Molgula manhattensis with a hydroid and bryozoan turf on tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC121B / CR.HCR.XFa.SpAnVt - Sponges and anemones on vertical circalittoral bedrock
MC1221 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSwi - Caryophyllia smithii and Swiftia pallida on circalittoral rock
MC12211 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSwi.Aglo - Caryophyllia smithii, Swiftia pallida and Alcyonium glomeratum on wave-sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12212 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSwi.LgAs - Caryophyllia smithii, Swiftia pallida and large solitary ascidians on exposed or moderately exposed circalittoral rock
MC1222 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSp - Caryophyllia smithii, sponges and crustose communities on wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12221 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSp.Bri - Brittlestars overlying coralline crusts, Parasmittina trispinosa and Caryophyllia smithii on wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12222 / CR.MCR.EcCr.CarSp.PenPcom - Caryophyllia smithii and sponges with Pentapora foliacea, Porella compressa and crustose communities on wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC1223 / CR.MCR.EcCr.UrtScr - Urticina felina and sand-tolerant fauna on sand-scoured or covered circalittoral rock
MC1224 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr - Faunal and algal crusts on exposed to moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12241 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Flu - Flustra foliacea on slightly scoured silty circalittoral rock
MC12242 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Adig - Alcyonium digitatum, Spirobranchus triqueter, algal and bryozoan crusts on wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12243 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Sec - Alcyonium digitatum with Securiflustra securifrons on tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12244 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Bri - Brittlestars on faunal and algal encrusted exposed to moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12245 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Spi - Faunal and algal crusts with Spirobranchus triqueter and sparse Alcyonium digitatum on exposed to moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC12246 / CR.MCR.EcCr.FaAlCr.Car - Caryophyllia smithii with faunal and algal crusts on moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC1225 / CR.MCR.EcCr.AdigVt - Alcyonium digitatum and faunal crust communities on vertical circalittoral bedrock
MC1226 / CR.MCR.CMus.CMyt - Mytilus edulis beds with hydroids and ascidians on tide-swept exposed to moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC1227 / CR.MCR.CMus.Mdis - Musculus discors beds on moderately exposed circalittoral rock
MC12281 / CR.FCR.FouFa.AdigMsen - Alcyonium digitatum and Metridium senile on moderately wave-exposed circalittoral steel wrecks
MC1231 / CR.LCR.BrAs.AmenCio - Solitary ascidians, including Ascidia mentula and Ciona intestinalis, on wave-sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12311 / CR.LCR.BrAs.AmenCio.Ant - Solitary ascidians, including Ascidia mentula and Ciona intestinalis, with Antedon spp. on wave-sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12312 / CR.LCR.BrAs.AmenCio.Bri - Dense brittlestars with sparse Ascidia mentula and Ciona intestinalis on sheltered circalittoral mixed substrata
MC1232 / CR.LCR.BrAs.LgAsSp - Large solitary ascidians and erect sponges on wave-sheltered circalittoral rock
MC1233 / CR.LCR.BrAs.AntAsH - Antedon spp., solitary ascidians and fine hydroids on sheltered circalittoral rock
MC1234 / CR.LCR.BrAs.NovPro - Novocrania anomala and Protanthea simplex on sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12341 / CR.LCR.BrAs.NovPro.FS - Novocrania anomala and Protanthea simplex on very wave-sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12342 / CR.LCR.BrAs.NovPro.VS - Novocrania anomala, Dendrodoa grossularia and Rolandia coralloides on variable salinity circalittoral rock
MC124 / CR.MCR.CFaVS - Circalittoral faunal communities in variable salinity
MC1241 / CR.MCR.CFaVS.CuSpH - Cushion sponges and hydroids on turbid tide-swept sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12411 / CR.MCR.CFaVS.CuSpH.As - Cushion sponges, hydroids and ascidians on turbid tide-swept sheltered circalittoral rock
MC12412 / CR.MCR.CFaVS.CuSpH.VS - Cushion sponges and hydroids on turbid tide-swept variable salinity sheltered circalittoral rock
MC1242 / CR.MCR.CFaVS.HbowEud - Halichondria bowerbanki, Eudendrium arbuscula and Eucratea loricata on reduced salinity tide-swept circalittoral mixed substrata
MC1251 / CR.MCR.SfR.Pid - Piddocks with a sparse associated fauna in sublittoral very soft chalk or clay
MC1252 / CR.MCR.SfR.Pol - Polydora sp. tubes on moderately exposed sublittoral soft rock
MC1253 / CR.MCR.SfR.Hia - Hiatella-bored vertical sublittoral limestone rock
MC126 / CR.FCR.Cv - Circalittoral caves and overhangs
MC1261 / CR.FCR.Cv.SpCup - Sponges, cup corals and anthozoans on shaded or overhanging circalittoral rock
MC128 / CR.MCR.CSab - Circalittoral Sabellaria reefs (on rock)
MC1281 / CR.MCR.CSab.Sspi - Sabellaria spinulosa encrusted circalittoral rock
MC12811 / CR.MCR.CSab.Sspi.ByB - Sabellaria spinulosa with a bryozoan turf and barnacles on silty turbid circalittoral rock
MC12812 / CR.MCR.CSab.Sspi.As - Sabellaria spinulosa, didemnids and other small ascidians on tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock
MC2211 / SS.SBR.PoR.SspiMx - Sabellaria spinulosa on stable circalittoral mixed sediment
MC2221 / SS.SBR.Crl.Lop - Lophelia reefs
MC2231 / SS.SBR.SMus.ModT - Modiolus modiolus beds with hydroids and red seaweeds on tide-swept circalittoral mixed substrata
MC2232 / SS.SBR.SMus.ModMx - Modiolus modiolus beds on open coast circalittoral mixed sediment
MC2233 / SS.SBR.SMus.ModHAs - Modiolus modiolus beds with fine hydroids and large solitary ascidians on very sheltered circalittoral mixed substrata
MC2234 / SS.SBR.SMus.ModMvar - Modiolus modiolus beds with Mimachlamys varia, sponges, hydroids and bryozoans on slightly tide-swept very sheltered circalittoral mixed substrata
MC2235 / SS.SBR.SMus.MytSS - Mytilus edulis beds on sublittoral sediment
MC3211 / SS.SCS.CCS.SpiB - Spirobranchus triqueter with barnacles and bryozoan crusts on unstable circalittoral cobbles and pebbles
MC3212 / SS.SCS.CCS.MedLumVen - Mediomastus fragilis, Lumbrineris spp. and venerid bivalves in circalittoral coarse sand or gravel
MC3213 / SS.SCS.CCS.Pkef - Protodorvillea kefersteini and other polychaetes in impoverished circalittoral mixed gravelly sand
MC3214 / SS.SCS.CCS.Nmix - Neopentadactyla mixta in circalittoral shell gravel or coarse sand
MC3215 / SS.SCS.CCS.Blan - Branchiostoma lanceolatum in circalittoral coarse sand with shell gravel
MC4211 / SS.SMx.CMx.ClloMx - Cerianthus lloydii and other burrowing anemones in circalittoral muddy mixed sediment
MC42111 / SS.SMx.CMx.ClloMx.Nem - Cerianthus lloydii with Nemertesia spp. and other hydroids in circalittoral muddy mixed sediment
MC4212 / SS.SMx.CMx.ClloModHo - Sparse Modiolus modiolus, dense Cerianthus lloydii and burrowing holothurians on sheltered circalittoral stones and mixed sediment
MC4213 / SS.SMx.CMx.KurThyMx - Kurtiella bidentata and Thyasira spp. in circalittoral muddy mixed sediment
MC4214 / SS.SMx.CMx.FluHyd - Flustra foliacea and Hydrallmania falcata on tide-swept circalittoral mixed sediment
MC4215 / SS.SMx.CMx.OphMx - Ophiothrix fragilis and/or Ophiocomina nigra brittlestar beds on sublittoral mixed sediment
MC5211 / SS.SSa.CFiSa.EpusOborApri - Echinocyamus pusillus, Ophelia borealis and Abra prismatica in circalittoral fine sand
MC5212 / SS.SSa.CFiSa.ApriBatPo - Abra prismatica, Bathyporeia elegans and polychaetes in circalittoral fine sand
MC5214 / SS.SSa.CMuSa.AalbNuc - Abra alba and Nucula nitidosa in circalittoral muddy sand or slightly mixed sediment
MC5215 / SS.SSa.CMuSa.AbraAirr - Acrocnida brachiata with Astropecten irregularis and other echinoderms in circalittoral muddy sand
MC6211 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit - Amphiura filiformis, Kurtiella bidentata and Abra nitida in circalittoral sandy mud
MC6212 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten - Thyasira spp. and Ennucula tenuis in circalittoral sandy mud
MC6213 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten - Amphiura filiformis and Ennucula tenuis in circalittoral and offshore sandy mud
MC6214 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.VirOphPmax - Virgularia mirabilis and Ophiura spp. with Pecten maximus on circalittoral sandy or shelly mud
MC62141 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.VirOphPmax.HAs - Virgularia mirabilis and Ophiura spp. with Pecten maximus, hydroids and ascidians on circalittoral sandy or shelly mud with stones
MC6215 / SS.SMu.CSaMu.LkorPpel - Lagis koreni and Phaxas pellucidus in circalittoral sandy mud
MC6216 / SS.SMu.CFiMu.SpnMeg - Seapens and burrowing megafauna in circalittoral fine mud
MC62161 / SS.SMu.CFiMu.SpnMeg.Fun - Seapens, including Funiculina quadrangularis, and burrowing megafauna in undisturbed circalittoral fine mud
MC6217 / SS.SMu.CFiMu.MegMax - Burrowing megafauna Maxmuelleria lankesteri in circalittoral mud
MC6218 / SS.SMu.CFiMu.BlyrAchi - Brissopsis lyrifera and Amphiura chiajei in circalittoral mud
MD121 / CR.HCR.DpSp - Deep sponge communities (circalittoral)
MD1211 / CR.HCR.DpSp.PhaAxi - Phakellia ventilabrum and Axinellid sponges on deep, wave- exposed circalittoral rock
MD3211 / SS.SCS.OCS.GlapThyAmy - Glycera lapidum, Thyasira spp. and Amythasides macroglossus in offshore gravelly sand
MD3212 / SS.SCS.OCS.HeloPkef - Hesionura elongata and Protodorvillea kefersteini in offshore coarse sand
MD4211 / SS.SMx.OMx.PoVen - Polychaete-rich deep Venus community in offshore mixed sediments
MD5211 / SS.SSa.OSa.MalEdef - Maldanid polychaetes and Eudorellopsis deformis in offshore circalittoral sand or muddy sand
MD5212 / SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil - Owenia fusiformis and Amphiura filiformis in offshore circalittoral sand or muddy sand
MD6213 / SS.SMu.OMu.AfalPpin - Ampharete falcata turf with Parvicardium pinnulatum on cohesive muddy sediment near margins of deep stratified seas
MD6214 / SS.SMu.OMu.ForThy - Foraminiferans and Thyasira sp. in deep circalittoral fine mud
MD6215 / SS.SMu.OMu.StyPse - Styela gelatinosa, Pseudamussium peslutrae and solitary ascidians on sheltered deep circalittoral muddy sediment
MD6216 / SS.SMu.OMu.CapThy - Capitella capitata and Thyasira spp. in organically-enriched offshore circalittoral mud and sandy mud
MD62161 / SS.SMu.OMu.CapThy.Odub - Capitella capitata, Thyasira spp. and Ophryotrocha dubia in organically-enriched offshore circalittoral sandy mud
MD6217 / SS.SMu.OMu.LevHet - Levinsenia gracilis and Heteromastus filifirmis in offshore circalittoral mud and sandy mud
MD6218 / SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil - Paramphinome jeffreysii, Thyasira spp. and Amphiura filiformis in offshore circalittoral sandy mud
MD6219 / SS.SMu.OMu.MyrPo - Myrtea spinifera and polychaetes in offshore circalittoral sandy mud
ME1111 / M.ArMB.Ro.CriCom.HelGla - Heliometra glacialis, Actinostolid anemones and tube worm assemblage on Arctic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1121 / M.ArMB.Ro.MixCor.CorGer - Corymorpha, Gersemia, Zoantharia and Heliometra glacialis on Arctic mid bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1213 / M.AtUB.Ro.SpaEnc.PsoSpo - Psolus squamatus and encrusting sponge assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1214 / M.AtUB.Ro.SpaEnc.PsoAno - Psolus squamatus, Anomiidae, serpulid polychaetes and Munida on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1221 / M.AtUB.Ro.DeeSpo.RetAxi - Reteporella and Axinellid sponges on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1222 / M.AtUB.Ro.DeeSpo.SpoSty - Lobose sponge and stylasterid assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME1231 / M.AtUB.Ro.MixCor.DisLop - Discrete Lophelia pertusa colonies on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
ME22 / M.AtMB.Bi.CorRee.LopFra - Mixed coral assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal Lophelia pertusa reef framework (biogenic structure)
ME2211 / M.AtUB.Bi.CorRee.LopPer - Atlantic upper bathyal live Lophelia pertusa reef (biogenic structure)
ME2212 / M.AtUB.Bi.CorRee.LopFra - Mixed coral assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal Lophelia pertusa reef framework (biogenic structure)
ME3211 / M.AtUB.Co.CriCom.LepCel - Leptometra celtica assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse sediment
ME3212 / M.AtUB.Co.SolScl.CarAct - Caryophyllia smithii and Actinauge richardi assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse sediment
ME3214 / M.AtUB.Co.SpaEnc.SquRub - Squat lobster assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse sediment (Lophelia rubble)
ME3221 / M.AtUB.Co.MixCor.DisLop - Discrete Lophelia pertusa colonies on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse sediment
ME3231 / M.AtMB.Co.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse sediment
ME3241 / M.AAUB.Co.DeeSpo.GeoSpo - Geodia and other massive sponges on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal coarse sediment
ME4211 / M.AtMB.Mx.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic mid bathyal mixed sediment
ME4221 / M.AAUB.Mx.DeeSpo.GeoSpo - Geodia and other massive sponges on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal mixed sediment
ME5211 / M.AtUB.Sa.CriCom.LepCel - Leptometra celtica assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
ME5213 / M.AtUB.Sa.UrcCom.GraAcu - Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
ME6212 / M.AtMB.Mu.UrcCom.GraAcu - Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
ME6221 / M.AtUB.Mu.SpnMeg.KopFie - Kophobelemnon fields on Atlantic upper bathyal mud
ME6231 / M.AtMB.Mu.DeeSpo.PheCar - Pheronema carpenteri field on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
ME6241 / M.AtMB.Mu.EreCor.AcaArb - Acanella arbuscula assemblage on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
ME6251 / M.AtMB.Mu.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
MF1211 / M.AtLB.Ro.MixCor.DisSol - Discrete Solenosmilia variabilis colonies on Atlantic lower bathyal rock and other hard substrata
MF2211 / M.AtLB.Bi.CorRee.SolVar - Atlantic lower bathyal live Solenosmilia variabilis reef (biogenic structure)
MF2212 / M.AtLB.Bi.CorRee.SolFra - Mixed coral assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal Solenosmilia reef framework (biogenic structure)
MF3211 / M.AtLB.Co.MixCor.DisSol - Discrete Solenosmilia variabilis colonies on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment
MF3231 / M.AtLB.Co.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse sediment
MF4221 / M.AtLB.Mx.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic lower bathyal mixed sediment
MF5211 / M.AtLB.Sa.UrcCom.GraAcu - Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal sand
MF6211 / M.AtLB.Mu.UrcCom.GraAcu - Gracilechinus acutus norvegicus assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
MF6212 / M.AtLB.Mu.UrcCom.GraAle - Gracilechinus alexandri, Psilaster and Plinthaster assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
MF6221 / M.AtLB.Mu.DeeSpo.PheCar - Pheronema carpenteri field on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
MF6231 / M.AtLB.Mu.EreCor.AcaArb - Acanella arbuscula assemblage on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
MF6241 / M.AtLB.Mu.XenCom.SyrFra - Syringammina fragilissima field on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
MG6213 / M.AtUA.Mu.UrcCom.GraAle - Gracilechinus alexandri, Psilaster and Plinthaster assemblage on Atlantic upper abyssal mud
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